fergot who tagged me before 8D" oh well haha
The last person to tag you is..
Eleena teh tiny lil sleeping monster XD
Your 5 impressions towards her..
1. Sleeper (selipar 8D)
2. Small
3. Very good to talk with =3
4. Extra Loud
5.Annoyingly cute in a way =)
The most memorable thing she had done to me..
helped me lotsa times =)
If she becomes your lover, you will..
....... i..uh.........................yeah 8D"
If she becomes your enemy, you will..
It'll get ugleyhh oAo" (tho can't imagine that XD")
If she becomes your lover, he should improve on..
being good at cooking and housekeepin XDD choressss!!
How do you think people around you are thinking about you?
uhm....uh..from what i know..mebbe..
"Gile Tinggi Dowh!"
"Huih Besar Giler"
"Betolke Pompuan ni??"
"Mak orang ke?"
"Lembage Hitam!"
"Woii Giannt!Sinyu mane??!"
The character of yourself is..
Bear? 8D"
The most ideal person you wanna be with?
Person that would accept me the way i am, and not bein bitchy bout it -3-
For the person who cares or likes you, say something to them..
Got mer? o3o
10 people to tag: (Immah just put names since ya guys did it edy XD)
1. Poh Yi
2. Teng
3. Wloon
4. Justin
5. Lynn
6. Eleena
7. Umar
8. Sellwyn
9. Eugene
10. Sack ( 8D)
Who is num. 2 having relationship with..
herself XD
Is num. 3 a female or male?
Feee.....oh wait Male 8D
Is num. 7 and 10 together would be a good thing?
Umar and Sack ah? ...... it's like, they wont be talking much with each othar coz shy mebbe XDD"
How about num 5 and 8?
Lynn and Sellwyn aaaaaa......emm..........aaa...can oso XD
(bersedialah untuk bersilat dengan aku wahai abang pedas XD)
What is num 1 studying?
The Painful Path Of Illustration 8D
When was the last time you had a chat with them?
Few hours ago =3
Is num. 4 single?
Justiiiinn~~~ u singleee keerrr ~a/s/l Plzkthxbai~~ XDD
aaaaaaaaand dat's all~
- Signing out -