Tuesday, September 8, 2009

...First class

First Class ; Visual Fundamentals
First Lesson

a warning.

they expect highly of us

cuz we're illust students..

so the standard is really high TTATT
after that


an exam XD"

we were required to draw
a hiking scene with 4-5people
expressions are necessary
the most important thing is the angle XD"

from 2pm - 6pm

(we were in there for 4 hours 8D)

and this is all i could come up with

(sorry for the very blurry camera)

i like JL's one XD
so cute!

p/s: who sez it's holiday for us?
the hell just started

-Signing Out-

Friday, September 4, 2009


Days Before Class Starts
(oh booohooo)

--- Results ---

3A = Perspective, Painting, Drama
1A- = Compo
1B+ = Culture & Society (....ok la ..)
1B- = Figure 3
(thanks to not handling a lot of weekly assignments)
1C+ = Visual Comm
(whole class didnt get even B or A thanks to debbie)

Overall quite happy with my results
i know i can do better
hopefully fer next coming sem then =)

--- Went K ---

*asyek tertekan the switch XD" gomenn*
Popo went back home early~

--- Went Cuci Longkang 8D ---

- Sushi King Challenge -


dood congratss on successfully beatin the record
fr eating that hugggeeee bowl of udon in less than 10mins!
record breakin time 7mins 8D
after this go for 5mins! XD
*started recording halfway ony XD*

p/s: will not do my holiday assignments grr

- Signing Out -