Friday, May 1, 2009


Hao I shall miss being in the same class with you guys =)
the joy and pain (mostly PAIN) of the foundation year togethar
will nevar be erased from mah head forevar XD
(if i bang my head and fergot all about it...sori ah 8D)


it was hell of a fun time XD and hopefully we'll have the same atmosphere for our new class oso

A week more (no phair i was out fer 2 weeks >__< )

our holiday will end and new sem'll start...
ohoho we're majoring edy 8D"


Hao time flies eh? XD
let's just enjoy the show i say ~
gawd so many movies haven
't watch yet..
lotsa games haven't touch yet

....sheet wei.....

oh yeah, did this a few days after our holiday started XD
see if you can manage to point out who is who haha

have fun~

(if ya want the larger version just ask me lo XD)

- Signing out -

p/s : geheyhey now i know why some Msians're so eager making a petition to ban
Britney Spears
song If You Seek Amy 8D haha
at first i didnt know why~ the song's nice tho XD

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